The network has worked with thousands of residents in Central Texas. Many of these residents have decided to become involved in the regular activities of the network.

Our mission is to improve the health, wellbeing, and quality of life of residents in the region, particularly for persons of color and vulnerable populations. 

The goals of the network are:

1) to build the capacity of residents to collaborate and lead in identifying, designing, and implementing solutions to pressing community problems based on their lived experiences with barriers to health and wellbeing; and

2) to create a regional web of support for residents by building new relationships so that network members can access  expertise, resources and supports in the network in times of need or crisis.


Become a member now

Becoming a member is free. By joining, you share a bit of information about yourself and in exchange, you can learn about and connect with other members.

Our Values and

The CONNECT | LEARN | GROW tabs describe essential ways networks and weavers need to function to remain healthy and “alive.” There are simple activities or tools that you can use as you get started and grow the network and culture that fits your purpose. Explore the activities under each tab by clicking on the drop-down menus. Please post comments on how you used or adapted the activity. You are encouraged to share activities you find effective to support others to CONNECT (with others), LEARN ( and practice new skills, concepts , or resources) , and GROW (by deepening personal confidence, and competencies to expand a thriving a resilient set of interacting networks to influence transformational change).

HEAL Alliance is the new host of the Central TX Health & Wellbeing Network

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Our Connections are
Our Biggest Strength.

Register and create your profile so others can connect to you. Browse through other network weavers and see how you could connect to them - like by exchanging skills or because of similar project goals?

We have what we need

This year Central Texas Network Weavers will have seed funds available through a new participatory grant-making process called shared gifting.

We grow through
Practice and Experimentation!

Meet the many faces of Network Weaving and learn more about what happens when we put our experimentation to work in the community!

About us: Why a Community-Led Network?

Networks work especially well when what you want to do will require more than just a few organizations in a partnership. Dealing with large, intractable problems (such as poverty or urban blight) or moving in ambitious new directions (building a green economy) requires the engagement of many individuals and organizations. Network mapping helps identify who is interested in or already working in this area, and a network weaving strategy enables you to engage them effectively. When a lot of experimentation, innovation, or system building needs to happen, a network strategy is appropriate. Partnerships or coalitions are fine for well-defined projects or actions.

Networks are appropriate for situations where the solutions are unclear. Networks encourage self-organizing to explore the problem or situation. For big problems or opportunities, you need to bring many more people together who may not have worked together before.

Network mapping helps identify connectors – those individuals who already have relationships across these divides – and engage them in bringing groups together.

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